Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lost But Not Forgotten

Anguish and Wonder

Lost But Not Forgotten

by William A. Christie

"It was war, you won't come home,"
are the thoughts you leave home with.

You hear the shots, smell the powder.
The smoke and dust clears.

You look down.
He's gone, and you're still here.

Did I do the right thing,
or was it wrong?

Did I do enough, or too much?
His eyes stare with a far away look.

Oh My God,
he's my friend.

How do I go on?
Guilt fills my life; shame rules it.

Wishing it was me, and glad it wasn't.
Why just one and not both?

I'll remember this forever
in the day and in the nightmares.

Did it hurt?
Did he suffer?

Holding him for what seemed like forever,
knowing it was just a moment,

but feeling it forever ...

Written by Sgt. William A. Christie
a Vietnam Combat Veteran with PTSD
U.S. Army, 299th Combat Engineers
D/A Company
Dak To Defenders
Dak To Vietnam

“I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do, and by the grace of God, I will.” ~Everett Hale

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