Sunday, January 27, 2013

Vietnam 1966/1967

by Charles Atkinson

In 1966/1967, I was stationed with the 67th Evac Hospital in Qui Nhon, South Vietnam. We were waiting for the completion of the new building for us.

One day, a fighter jet made several passes over our air field there. One end of the air field was right at the road in the village. The other end was a road between it and the ocean. All of the GI's were watching overhead.

All of a sudden the jet came in at roof top level. When it landed, we watched as the left tire blew out and that put the hospital right in line to be hit -- and the jet had a napalm bomb.

They dropped the bomb on a pile of sand and we were lucky it did not go off. The pilot managed to pull the jet back on the runway but it still ran through the fence and the front wheel stopped in the water. I was taking pictures the entire time.

After it was all over, three or four MPs tapped me on my shoulder and took the roll of film from my camera. They told me I could have it back when I left Nam. I never did get the film back so I have no record of ever the taking the pictures.

CJ Atkinson

Mechanic, 67th Army Evac Hospital
3 Years, Vietnam
9 Years, Germany
14 Months, Thailand

Thank you for sharing your amazing experience, Charles, and Welcome Home.

“I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do, and by the grace of God, I will.” ~Everett Hale

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  1. Did you know a DOCTOR,Capt david Law Murphy

  2. Did you know a DOCTOR,Capt david Law Murphy

  3. I served at The 67th Evac. .Hospital from Mar. 1968 until Mar. 1969 & I worked in the Mental Hygiene Clinic during the day & because they were always so incredibly busy, my Friend, Bob Blundo, also of Mental Health Hygiene Clinic; volunteered in the E.R. nearly every night & for many weekends for the entire years that we were there. It is frustrating that there seems to be so little written about the 67th Evac. that I can locate online. Peace & Blessings to all my fellow survivors!!!!!!!!!!! Don Hurley

  4. Courage defines all medics who served in Vietnam! Bravest of the Brave! Courage on the Mountain-

  5. I watched that jet crash land that day .I worked at Red Ball Express at the other end of the air field. M P took my film also

  6. My father, Col. Kenneth Swieter, was the CO of the 67th at Ft. Carson, CO. from July 1965 to ?? while it prepared to ship out to Nam. Once it was activated he moved to XO (he wasn't an MD so couldn't be CO of active unit). In Nam he was XO from Feb 1966 to Feb 1967. He never talked about his time in Nam but then again he didn't talk about his time during Korea or WWII either.


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