Sunday, April 20, 2014

Book: "Marble Mountain Memoirs"

By Robert Romaniello

Second Wind Publishing, LLC (March 9, 2014)
216 Pages
Format: Paperback and Kindle

About the Book:

After a Diagnosis of stage 4 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma caused by Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam 35 years prior, the author is launched back into the depths of his soul as a young man, the soul of America at war, and the enemy within.

Buy at Amazon


“Anyone who came of age in the sixties can relate to this book. It was a time of turmoil with the vietnam war and the protests at home. Mr Romaniello did an excellent job of capturing the mood of the times and giving accurate statistics of the events happening during this time while telling his own story. A very enjoyable read and a chance to remember a time in history unlike any other. I would recommend this book to anyone who would like to step back in time and get a glimpse of the war in vietnam and it's repercussions for one man. An excellent read!” ~elart

“It was after I had read the book the second time that the windows of my memory began to open.  The more I read, the more I went back in time. The book brought back many memories of my youth at 18 years old and in Vietnam. I thought I was going to be GI Joe. 

This book says a lot about me and a hand full of guys that just wanted to get back home alive and in one piece.  Robert has done a great job writing this book.”
~Gary Malone

“As a veteran with similar Vietnam experiences as Mr. Romaniello, I enjoyed reading his story and applaud him for having the courage to give an honest accounting of his tour along with his thinking before, during, and after. For some I'm sure its a lot easier to wear medals that were never earned and tell stories that never happened.” ~TT99

“…Whether this memoir makes you outraged, repugnant, or brings a warm identifying smile to your face, "Marble Mountain Memoirs" is guaranteed to provoke an emotive response. Anyone that went through the late 1960's and early 1970's is guaranteed to relate to Romaniello's provocative recollections.  A Vietnam War book with a unique perspective.” ~Bernie Weisz

“I enjoyed this book and that's saying a lot for a person who doesn't typically enjoy reading. Having always had the utmost respect for American Soldiers, especially those who fought in Vietnam, this book seems to respectfully share the views of solidarity, anti-war, fear, disgust and camaraderie that many soldiers felt and experienced.” ~bhajek01

“Mr Romaniello's accounts give a humorous view of this period in Viet Nam but also put the whole war into historical perspective. The Story is laced with poignant quotes from writers of the past which help make Romaniello's story even more lucid.” ~Francis Caruso

About the Author:

Robert Romaniello lives in North Carolina with his wife of 22 years. He has two children and he is a Vietnam Veteran and Cancer survivor. 

He studied English Literature at Los Angeles Valley College, and Brooklyn College in New York City.

"Marble Mountain Memoirs" is Robert’s maiden sojourn into the world of semi-autobiographical War novels.

[U.S. Army - 1969-70
633rd Collection, Classification and Salvage (CC&S) Company]

“I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do, and by the grace of God, I will.” ~Everett Hale

1 comment:

  1. I served in the 633CC&S Company from July 1969 thru Oct 1971


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