Saturday, May 24, 2014

Going Forward: by Tony Lobello

I spent February to December of 1966 with the 25th Infantry Division at Cu Chi.

From December 1965 to February of 1966 I was at Dong Ba Thin (near Cam Rahn Bay), as part of an advanced element of the 25th Division.

I'm still in touch with some of the guys I served with in Nam. We have learned to take pride in our service, although there was much adversity, and negative attitudes, from many members of our society when I returned on December 21, 1966, just in time for Christmas. 

They needed to learn how to separate the soldier, who was doing his/her job, from all of the feelings and negativity the media generated against the Vietnam War.  

Among the things that have stayed with me is the way we simply went about doing our jobs. Perhaps that was the easiest way to cope.

From Cu Chi, there were several ops into Cambodia aimed at staging areas, troop encampments, or to disrupt activity on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Then we discovered some tunnels.

God Bless all who, although they may have been drafted, or harbored feelings against the war, were of enough character to serve in the military and do the best that they could. That is what a big part of being an American is, and what has helped make us to be successful, from the Revolutionary War on. 

I love the USA and I have deep respect for our military. We are all humans and, consequently, we will all (including our leaders) make mistakes. We have to learn from our mistakes, then forget them and go forward.

Do not allow lingering memories keep you from moving on.

Tony Lobello
VFW Post 2059

“I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do, and by the grace of God, I will.” ~Everett Hale

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