Monday, June 23, 2014

A Worthy Rebuttal on REMFs

Rebuttal To:  REMF's: by Tom Peck (June 20, 2014)


By Lawrence "WarHippy" Blouir

Even though I disagree with your views of REMFs, Tom, I support your right to have them, and I salute your courage to carry out your job. 

However, if all the grunts in the Army and Marines were to magically disappear, those REMFs that you insulted with your post would step forward and fill your ranks -- and they would do as good, or better, than the soldiers they replaced. 

I arrived in Vietnam as a mechanic, but I didn't volunteer for the Nam to be stuck under a jeep.  So, I made myself such a big pain in the ass that, after I'd get an article 15, the company commander was more than happy to reassign me to a less-civilized job, with just my word that I would be a good soldier, if I was doing a soldiers job. 

And I kept my word. I was assigned to three different units, during my two years in-country, each time as a mechanic, and each time reassigned after I got another article 15 and busted to PFC. 

My first extension, I did exactly what you described.  I wanted to be a door gunner, and to be specific, on a ready reactionary slick. 

The battalion surgeon interviewed me.  He said, "Life expectancy for the job you want is only six months."

I replied, "I'm only extending for six months."  He called me crazy and denied my request. 

The company sniper was short, and my company commander was a little more agreeable.  So, I was sent back to the rear and trained on the match quality M-14.  That became my constant companion until the Cavalry stood down, leaving one brigade in Vietnam, and I was transferred up north. 

My long-winded point is this. You won't gain much respect here, by puffing your chest out and stating that you had the only important job in the war. Would you be alive today, if all the REMFs took the day off on the day you were wounded?  

Everybody did their job. There were areas designated 'rear'. My Division's R&R center took a direct hit from an ARVN 105 round the day after I left on R&R, killing everybody unlucky enough to be in the hootch at the time. 

Rockets and mortars could reach any place we thought was safe -- and Charlie made sure we knew it. The infantry wouldn't be shit without support. You should thank God you had it, instead of insulting it ...

Lawrence "WarHippy" Blouir
MOS 63B20 Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
Vietnam ’69, ’70, ‘71

1st Cavalry Division (AIRMOBILE)
The First Team
8th Engineer Battalion
1st Air Cavalry Division
24th Duster Battalion
24th Corp Artillery
23rd MP Co.
23rd Infantry Division

(MONGOLS Motorcycle Club)

Other Articles by Lawrence “WarHippy” Blouir:
The Ultimate Cost of "Freedom"

“I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do, and by the grace of God, I will.” ~Everett Hale

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  1. Very eloquent. I heard a 11 bullet stopper refer to the guys at the fire base as remf's, but was damn glad when those remf's opened up with the 8 inchers.
    Michael Lawrence

    1. The REAL REMF's were sitting back home in Washington DC and many more were those who enlisted in the National Guard and Reserve and were secure and safe - letting the DRAFT send the Bullet Stoppers to Nam.

    2. Absolutely correct. I agree with your observations. Most of the Vietnam veterans were volunteers (whatever the reason(s)...not all because of patriotic fervor or because they were John Waynes....I suspect more for modest reasons...history of prior relatives served in WWII and Korea or because of innate feelings of doing your duty to Country or fulfilling debt owed to this Nation....etc. Anyone in a combat zone as defined by by the military regulations is worthy of honor for fulfilling their enlistment and/or draft period, if drafted. There is a big difference between those who served in any capacity in a combat zone VERSUS the vast majority that stayed back in the World or like the fuckin Clunktons protested the war and was a Draft Dodger. That is cowardice and dishonor.

  2. Everybody wants to feel important..... In Vietnam, we were ALL important, from the tunnel rats to the company clerks...... As Hooah as 11B is, there'd be no Hooah without the rest of the team..... I thank ALL of my Brothers and Sisters for their service and for keeping my ass alive during my tour.... Welcome Home!!!! Lee Tucker ... 25th ID ... Vietnam Jan. 68 - Jan. 69

  3. I was in Central II Corps assigned to a MACV advisory team, the only way to get to us was by helicopter or convoy and convoys only happened twice. So I guess some of those so called remfs must have loaded the chopper with our food, ammo, mail etc. to say nothing of the guys that moved the stuff starting in the US. We'd have been a little hurt without them. Anyone who served during that time when so many ran deserves respect whether you were on the front lines in Viet Nam or Germany. Also the front lines in Viet Nam were everywhere, I got mortared and rocketed several times when I was in the supposed rear. Everyone was at risk every day and most served quite honorably. I call them all my brothers whether they were the manager of the AF officers club or a front line grunt. We were called we went many didn't and I still will have nothing to do with ones that ran.

  4. Lawrence, You're right on the mark.......I went were I was assigned & did what I was asked to do. I was in Saigon...If I had been sent to the "front"...I would have gone & likewise ...anybody at the front reassigned to the rear would have gone. Jack, You have nothing to be ashamed of or to feel guilty over. We are all Brothers in Arms. The real REMFs were back in the States. .


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