Thursday, July 24, 2014

Paths Less Travelled: by Hon K. Lee

Paths Less Travelled of a Scholar Warrior (Spy) Teacher Healer

304 Pages
Published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing

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About the Book:

Hon K. Lee, a scrawny kid in an immigrant family, gets bullied so often he yearns to be like the Kung Fu heroes he sees in the movies. 

He becomes a Marine to prove himself, but the futility of war makes him wonder what it would take to achieve peace. 

He joins the CIA, only to see his career threatened in an ordeal that makes him reevaluate his life purpose, leading him to chase his dream to study Chinese medicine. Along the way, he apprentices with top martial arts masters, and helps open a school to pass on what he’s learned. 

In this straightforward, often humorous memoir, Lee narrates his adventures from the streets of Chinatown to the battlefields of Vietnam, and from the corridors of CIA headquarters to the acupuncture clinics of Shanghai. 

While his journey seems to take divergent paths, those familiar with stories about the knights of ancient China will recognize he’s travelling a singular path – a four-fold one of Scholar Warrior Teacher Healer ... with Spy thrown in.

***All proceeds from the sale of my book will go to charities that benefit wounded warriors and their families.

Buy at Amazon


“Hon Lee takes us on a journey that is both fascinating and inspiring. A good
read!” – Lieutenant General Ron Christmas, USMC (Retired) 
“An authentic and fascinating memoir from the melting pot, affirming that
anything is possible in America for those with the courage to take the paths less
travelled.” – Jack Downing, former CIA Deputy Director for Operations 
“I strongly urge anyone whose dreams feel under threat or whose confidence is
weakened by the challenges of life and happiness, to consume his story and drink
some of the warrior spirit that we all need.”  – Stephan Berwick, Founder, True Tai Chi™ 
"This is contemporary American history at its finest ...Well written. Enlightening.” – Ernest Spencer, former commander of D company, 1st Battalion, 26th Marine Regiment; author of Welcome to Vietnam Macho Man: Reflections of a Khe Sanh Vet 
and gripping, Hon’s memoir will keep you on the edge of your seat.” 
– Bill Reddy, L.Ac, Dipl.Ac, Director of the Integrative Healthcare Policy Consortium, President Emeritus of the Acupuncture Society of Virginia

Hon K. Lee, Author
About the Author:

Hon K. Lee, a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserves, was an artillery forward observer and platoon commander in Vietnam. 

After leaving active duty, he became a CIA clandestine operations officer, serving undercover in seven field assignments and in three of the Agency’s four directorates. 

Studying Chinese medicine after a 30 year CIA career, he is now a nationally certified and Virginia Medical Board licensed acupuncturist. 

When not practicing medicine, Lee practices martial arts, having co-founded a school that teaches kung fu, taijiquan and qigong. He’s married, has two daughters, and enjoys living and working in Northern Virginia.

“I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do, and by the grace of God, I will.” ~Everett Hale

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1 comment:

  1. at least I am aware of where to go in the event I need some professional acupuncture treatments. Thus far - my wife poking me all the time in the ribs with her finger has over the last 40 years has not resulted in anything positive, so this may be an alternative to THAT!


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