Friday, December 19, 2014

Celebrating Christmas In Country ...

Decorating a Christmas tree in Tan Son Nhut, - 1965
Holidays were always difficult for
homesick and war-weary U.S. soldiers in Vietnam, during the war.

Christmas was always the hardest, being so far from home and loved ones.

Everyone tried to bring at least a little traditional Christmas spirit to their bases, tents, hooches, and outposts.

Christmas cheer often arrived in the mail, with "tube trees", a bottle of scotch, Christmas cards and letters, tins of Christmas cookies, or a welcomed pair of dry socks.

The lucky ones were able to attend the USO Christmas shows with Bob Hope and his troupe at nearby bases.  A true humanitarian, Mr. Hope always brought a feeling of "home" with him.

Some of the troops were treated to a full-on Christmas dinner with turkey and all the fixings:  mashed potatoes, vegetables, rolls, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie.  Many others (way too many) just ate their normal C-rations.

Soldiers quietly celebrated Christmas wherever they were, in whatever ways they could, but always, their thoughts and hearts were centered at "home" ...  

The following photos document some of the different ways troops celebrated Christmas during the Vietnam War:

Christmas dinner from the mess hall - 1967

Reading a Christmas card, - 1968

1st Battalion, 4th Marines - 1967

Christmas Chow Line - Vietnam

Christmas at Tay Ninh with a "Tube Tree"

Wrapping Presents for the Lae Quang Orphanage, 1969

Opening Christmas Gifts from Home - 1965

Vietnam 1967 - Decorating a Christmas Bush

To all of my friends ...

Thank You and Welcome "Home".

With love and respect,

“I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do, and by the grace of God, I will.” ~Everett Hale

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