Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Soldier's Poems: by Mihanel Pabon

Mihanel Pabon

Intrusive Thoughts

by Mihanel Pabon

It's a memory embedded 
in your brain
that's not so much a memory
as it is a stain.
No matter how long ago it was
when most will say, let it pass

You are not trying to remember it
you're trying to dismember it.
Normalcy becomes an illusion
for when everything seems to be all right,
when it appears you're winning the fight,
BOOM, a trigger appears.

Unfortunately, you never know 
or what
a trigger could be,
a smell, 
a sound, 
or something you see.

I could go on writing for untold pages
and write a manifesto for the ages,
but I just want you to understand
that I'm really trying
 against this intrusion
to take a stand.

I'm going to go straight to the core.
You see, I want to enjoy
this precious moment of normalcy.
It was all caused
by war.

Why I Am

Mihanel Pabon

I Am, so you can be
What you choose to be
I am, so no one in your way can get
And in comfort, your roots you may set
I am forever in your service
Sometimes I do get nervous
But that's part of who I am
That's my humanity
Which does not include vanity

I will do everything I've learned
To stop inhumanity
It's not in vain
To be proud of who you are
And from where you came
To always be true to the cause
Never ever seeking, or wanting applause
It's who I am
So you can be
Above all things, happy and free
My family I love very much
But as a human being
In one way, or another, everyone's life we touch
Thank God
They understand who I am
So the old can be happy and free
And the same way the young grow older
Is why I fulfill my destiny
I am

About the Author:

Mihanel Pabon was 11 Bravo (grunt) and in Vietnam from January 27 to December 20, 1970.

He lives in Brooklyn, New York, with Elaine, his wife of forty years.  As he says, "Talk about deserving a medal -- I mean Congressional -- I was fortunate to find someone so strong."

Mihanel and Elaine have two daughters, Mandy and Tara, and a four month-old granddaughter, Lei-Lani Olivia. 

A lot of Mihanel's writings were the direct result of requests, which he customized. If you need the right words for anyone, or any situation, feel free to leave him a comment with your email address, so he can contact you.  He will be happy to try and help.

“I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do, and by the grace of God, I will.” ~Everett Hale

Feel free to comment on this post. You are also invited to write about anything you feel comfortable sharing. Memoirs From Nam is YOUR blog. You are writing America's history, sharing the truth about the Vietnam veteran, and what it was like in Our War.


  1. Great poems Mihanel Pabon. True words we will live by for eternity. Thanks my friend.

  2. Thanks brudder I have read your work and I really am honored by your positive comment
    Thanks again.


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