Monday, January 5, 2015

"Right or Wrong": by Jim Van Doren

Our Country - Right or Wrong

“Right or Wrong”

Jim Van Doren (2004)

“My country, right or wrong”?
It might be the title of a song
But for our People to be Strong
They need to know what’s Right, what’s Wrong.

Defending our Country is our absolute right.
But imposing our will – based on our might – 
Declares to the world that “Might makes Right”.
It puts our armed forces in an undeserved plight
As they question the instinct: “Fight or Flight”?

As a Citizen, what is my task?
As a Patriot, it’s my duty to ask.
As a Veteran, I will not only plead – 
I will demand of those elected to Lead:

What business have we in launching attacks
Based on suspicion, not founded on facts?
“Actionable Intelligence” must bear correlation
To hard Evidence with proven Corroboration.

Before launching any “pre-emptive” invasion,
We need hard proof, not just a persuasion
That the threat is more than a handy excuse
To sanctify our own “righteous” forms of abuse.

To question a leader who acts like royalty
Is our daily imperative, of utmost loyalty – 
To our Country, its People, and its Laws,
And to our culture, with all its flaws

But especially to those who’ve answered the call – 
Because they ... “All gave some, and some gave All”.

Jim Van Doren 
Dustoff Medic
Vietnam '65-'66

Also by Jim Van Doren:

"I was born in Ohio, but grew up in Vietnam."

“I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do, and by the grace of God, I will.” ~Everett Hale

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