"Sharing can be a way of healing. Grief and loss can isolate,
anger even alienate. Shared with others, emotions unite
as we see we aren't alone. We realize others weep with us."
~Susan Wittig Albert

Through our writing, we walk out of the darkness into the light
together, one small step at a time, recording history, educating
America, and we are healing.
~CJ/Todd Dierdorff

Thursday, March 31, 2011

For Our Country

The following was actually a comment left on yesterday's blog which was written by David Westfall, "God Bless the Marines".  I was afraid it would be lost in the comment box -- I don't how many people take time to read the comments -- anyway, I think it's significant all by itself.  It was written by our friend, Craig Latham, who is a regular contributor here at Memoirs:

Craig Latham

"Hi David,

Like the saying goes, "Some gave All and All gave some".

Every person in the US Military, be it two years, or twenty, out of a life time, they should be considered a hero. 

They don't have to see combat for them to be doing something for their Country -- Our Country.  They are giving a little of themselves so that others can be free. 

Any loss is unacceptable, be it in combat action, training accident, or someone being hit by a car. 

These military personnel give of themselves every day. They don't ask for much in return, but we should give them what we can, even if it is here in a blog at Memoirs From Nam to just listen and know that your words do not fall on deaf ears.

Welcome home my friend.

Craig Latham
Former 101st Airborne Div. (Ambl)
Phu Bai, Vietnam (now in Ohio)"

(*Thank you, Craig -- you always know the right words.  Your friend, CJ)

“I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do. And by the grace of God, I will.” ~Everett Hale

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